We report a 56-year-old man, with atypical presentation of an extraduralhematoma caused by head injury after a fall.
A case of extraduralhaematoma as the presenting feature of an arachnoid cyst is described.
Eighty-two cases of extraduralhaematoma were analysed to elucidate the factors contributing to delay in treatment and poor outcome.
We present a series of seven patients with extraduralhaematoma operated upon in the referring hospital prior to transfer to our unit.
A rarely reported complication is skull fracture at the pin site and consequent epiduralhematoma.
Complications of SMT are reviewed, and the etiology and features of spinal epiduralhematoma are discussed.
This case represents the first spinal epiduralhematoma occurring after a chiropractic manipulation in the lumbar region.
Subarachnoid hemorrhage was mostly absorbed within one week while epiduralhematoma was completely absorbed over 3 weeks.
T2-weighted coronal MRI can diagnose both patency of the sigmoid sinus and epiduralhematoma extending along the sinus groove.
We present two patients who had acute paraplegia with sensory loss due to spontaneous spinal epiduralhematoma (SSEH).
The dura mater is checked for epiduralhematoma-pooled blood that may have pressed on the brain and resulted in death.
Results: Neurological morbidity was observed in 1 animal and was attributable to the presence of a resolving epiduralhematoma noted at necropsy.
The authors report the case of a 64-year-old woman who experienced thoracic epiduralhematoma during a session of spinal manipulation therapy (SMT).
She underwent a bilateral C5-T6 laminectomy with epiduralhematoma evacuation and was discharged to an acute inpatient rehabilitation hospital.
The New York City medical examiner's office said Richardson suffered from an epiduralhematoma, which causes bleeding between the skull and the brain's covering.
Spinal epiduralhematoma (SEH) is a rare complication with a reported incidence ranging from 1.38 in 10,000 to 1 in 190,000 epidurals.
Epidural fistulas are uncommon and rarely symptomatic, and when they are, it is usually from an epiduralhematoma or mass effect from distended epidural veins.